Friday, October 12, 2018

Been thinking

As graduation draws near, I start thinking about what I want to do. I have talked to Doc Wells, my advisor, Dr. Talbert, one of my professors, and Doc Brown (hubby) about grad school. Option on what I can do, whether it is PhD in Engineering focusing on Computer Forensics, etc.

David said I am never going to finish school. Once I finish, if we are still at Tech, I might apply to help Doc Wells teach computer forensic courses and get either another degree under B.I.T. or a certificate program set up.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

How time has flown

Here it is August 2018. School beings for me on Monday and it is hard to believe that, as long as everything goes as planned. I will be graduating in the Spring. On top of which, Xander has turned 15 and has earned his Drivers Permit. He starts driving lessons on Monday. It can't wait until he can get his real Drivers License next summer, when he turns 16. Now my degree will be dual majors - Business Information Technology & Marketing and dual minors - History & Computer Science.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

How time has flown - Looking towards Graduating

As is typical with college students, I have changed my major and added minors. I started school and thought I would go for an Accounting Degree. After the first semester, I decided that I would rather major in marketing. During the second semester, the School of Business hosted a  Breakfast before Dawn bi-weekly gathering. I attended and talked with the Chair of the Decision Science department, after he heard my previous tech experience and my passion in my voice, he talked me into adding B.I.T. (Business Information Technology) as a major to my degree.

I took several history classes just for fun and have completed a minor in history. I started attending some Cyber Eagles student group meetings and got involved with GenCyber Camp. Last year I actively joined Cyber Eagles, Cyber Eagles-W, ACM, ACM-E & AITP groups.

 Last fall, I took several Computer science classes based on Dr. Siraj's recommendations. Between those classes and the one I took this past Spring, registered for this Summer and registered for this Fall, will finish off a Computer Science minor, as long as I pass the classes with at least a C or better.

I took a Computer Forensics class with Doc Wells and feel in love with finding hidden data. Dr. Siraj is trying to talk me into getting a Masters in Cyber Security. I am debating between Cyber Security and Computer Forensics Masters. That is, if I can get funding and accepted to the programs.

If I pass all my classes that I am taking this Summer, Fall and Spring. I will be graduating May 2019, after dropping my Marketing major because the classes and info is very outdated.

Another Health update

I went to the neurologist for my annual Migraine checkup etc. and walked out with a diagnoses that on top of my Migraines and Hypothyroidism, I also have Fibromyalgia. I went out to The Mayo Clinic website and found that all my symptoms that I have been having, are all symptoms of Fibromyalgia. While my migraines vary from being triggered by pressure systems, allergies, tension, and stress, I have been in pain when I walk a lot within a 4 hour period. I would come home from working at Kohl's and hardly be able to walk, I would look like an old woman. My hips hurt, my back hurt, my heels hurt and my feet would ache. It would last for a couple of days, even with muscle relaxers and pain meds. If I wore anything other than my MBT shoes, I would be in even worse pain.

I am always tired. David wants to go out and do things and I just want to sleep. I have joint pains, my skin is sensitive to touch,  so much to where sometimes I just do not want to be touched.