Saturday, May 12, 2018

Another Health update

I went to the neurologist for my annual Migraine checkup etc. and walked out with a diagnoses that on top of my Migraines and Hypothyroidism, I also have Fibromyalgia. I went out to The Mayo Clinic website and found that all my symptoms that I have been having, are all symptoms of Fibromyalgia. While my migraines vary from being triggered by pressure systems, allergies, tension, and stress, I have been in pain when I walk a lot within a 4 hour period. I would come home from working at Kohl's and hardly be able to walk, I would look like an old woman. My hips hurt, my back hurt, my heels hurt and my feet would ache. It would last for a couple of days, even with muscle relaxers and pain meds. If I wore anything other than my MBT shoes, I would be in even worse pain.

I am always tired. David wants to go out and do things and I just want to sleep. I have joint pains, my skin is sensitive to touch,  so much to where sometimes I just do not want to be touched.

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