Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow - Cocoa's first real snow

Chair shows how much snow has actually fallen since 6 am at our house, before that it was all rain and ice. I know it was after 6 am because I had looked outside at that time and it was still rain/ice coming down.

Cocoa and I had to convince BJ to go out in the snow to go the bathroom.  

Once we got him out there, he was running and playing

 Both of them running and and jumping around.
 Cocoa decided there was something buried in the snow and had to be dug out. Of course BJ would not let me chain him, so when he saw the two dogs watching he took off after them, which meant I had to go out in the snow and pick him up once I caught him. The way he runs is with his chest close to the ground, which meant he had snow everywhere, because he ran around their fence 3 or 4 times before I caught him.
 Cocoa, once again, got caught around this fire pit in the backyard, which meant I had to go and get her uncaught. Both dogs had to be towel dried when they came in.
 The snow blew under the porch up to the back door, getting the grill.

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